Sandy aid: Christie, Cuomo and Malloy comment
This press release was issued Tuesday evening:

HARTFORD – New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and
Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement
regarding passage today of the disaster relief package by the House of
are grateful to those members of Congress who today pulled together in a
unified, bipartisan coalition to assist millions of their fellow Americans in
New Jersey, New York and Connecticut at their greatest time of need. The
tradition of Congress being there and providing support for Americans during
times of crisis, no matter where they live across this great country, lives on
in today’s vote in the House of Representatives. We anticipate smooth
passage when this package moves back to the Senate for final approval and for
this long-awaited relief to finally make its way to our residents.”
Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed, it is unedited here. Photo by Melanie Stengel.
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