State Rep. Juan Candelaria of New Haven appointed Deputy Majority Leader

Democratic leaders, Speaker of the House-designate Brendan Sharkey, D-Hamden, and Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin, made the appointment, the release said.
Candelaria, re-elected to his sixth term in November, is the only Latino lawmaker appointed to this leadership position, the release said.
"It is an honor to be appointed to serve in this new capacity with our leadership in the upcoming session," said Candelaria, also in the release. "I am eager to work with all my colleagues in moving our priorities forward for a better Connecticut."
Sharkey, also in the release, noted, Candelaria "is one of the long-serving Latino legislators in our caucus whom I had the opportunity to work with closely in moving important legislation forward, including the Dream Act law."
"I'm confident he will be a great addition to our leadership team as we get ready to face the challenges of this upcoming legislative session."
Aresimowicz said: "Juan is a respected leader at the legislature. With his expertise, passion and commitment, he will be a valued member of my team and I'm looking forward to working with him as we move Connecticut forward.
The membership of the General Assembly will be sworn into office on Jan. 9 at the State Capitol in Hartford during the opening day ceremony of the 2013 session, the release said.
Candelaria also will serve on the Higher Education & Employment Advancement Committee, Joint Committee on Legislative Management, and Children and Appropriations committees, the release said.
Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.
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