Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gov. Malloy announces Newtown economic assistance award for businesses affected by Sandy Hook tragedy

HARTFORD – Gov. Dannel P. Malloy Tuesday announced a $500,000 Small Town Economic Assistance Program, or STEAP,  grant to Newtown to assist the local businesses that incurred economic losses in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, according to a release.
"Many area businesses were adversely impacted by weeks of road closures and having entrances blocked by excessive traffic and parking.  The funding will be administered by Newtown," the release said.

“Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with everyone that was affected by the horrible events at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Malloy said, also in the release.  “Even as we work toward broader reforms to better protect our communities, these STEAP funds will have an immediate impact on the regional economy and protect area jobs.”

"In the midst of unimaginable shock and grief, the global response to the Newtown tragedy has been inspiring,” said state Sen. John McKinney, R-Fairfield, also in the release. “This grant will help Newtown's local businesses and the people they employ weather the economic toll this tragedy has taken on their community."

State Rep. Christopher Lyddy, D-Newtown, said in the release that:“The tragedy in Newtown has permeated all aspects of our community. 
"In addition to the obvious course we must take to begin our healing, we must not forget about the local businesses that have been adversely affected by this situation,” he said. “This $500,000 grant reinforces that we value our local businesses and appreciate the contributions they make to our town. I am grateful to Governor Malloy and his administration for their quick action in supporting our efforts.”

First Selectwoman E. Patricia Llodra said, in the release: “The Town of Newtown is very grateful to our state government, the Governor, and the Office of Policy and Management for taking quick action to assist us in support of our Sandy Hook businesses.
“In the aftermath of the shootings, our businesses were essentially shut down by the volume of traffic and media preventing customers from getting to stores, services, and restaurants during the busiest shopping days of the year. On behalf of the town, we are appreciative of this extraordinary kindness and appreciation for our difficulties," she said.

The grant is funded through an October 2012 allocation by State Bond Commission, the release said. 

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.

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