Thursday, April 4, 2013

Holder-Winfield joins New Haven Democracy Fund

NEW HAVEN - Mayoral candidate Gary Holder-Winfield has contracted with the New Haven Democracy Fund as a participating candidate for the 2013 Mayoral Election, according to a statement.
"Pursuant to the Democracy Fund Ordinance, Holder-Winfield and his treasurer Christine Bartlett-Josie submitted the required Participation Affidavit and the Candidate Contract to Administrator Ken Krayeske" on Feb, 21, the statement said,

"Holder-Winfield’s participation allows him access to the Democracy Fund’s hybrid system of public campaign financing. Once Holder-Winfield collects 200 donations by registered New Haven voters between $10 and $370"s, "the Fund will match the first $25 of each donation 2-to-1," the statement said.
"Once he makes the 200 donations, and the election is contested (in that another candidate has spent $5,500.00), Holder-Winfield is able to collect a $19,000 grant. He can continue to collect matching funds, up to $125,000.00, throughout the primary election."
The Candidate Contract, Participation Affidavit and other documents will be posted on the "Democracy Fund’s website. Holder-Winfield will be required to post his filings on the SEEC’s eCris website, as well, to insure the full disclosure that is at the heart of public campaign financing."

Justin Elicker, an alderman from the 10th Ward, who also is running for mayor, has signed the Democracy Fund pledge.

Candidate Henry Fernandez, a former city economic development administrator and Democrat, has said he supports the fund, but will not participate. Democratic candidate Sundiata Keitazulu, a city native and plumber, is expected to participate in the fund.

Possible candidate Kermit Carolina has said that is he runs, he will  participate in the Democracy Fund. It was not clear if Salvatore Consiglio Jr., 52, a New Haven firefighter, who will run as an independent, will participate in the fund.

The Democratic Party is expected to endorse its candidate July 23, with a primary set for Sept. 10. 

Editor's note: All information pertaining to Holder-Winfield in this post was contributed.
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