Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rochlin subpoenas Malloy on D-SNAP unemployment

Rich Rochlin, attorney for some of the employees embroiled int he D-SNAP scandal, says he is subpoena-ing Gov. Dannel P. Malloy to appear at unemployment hearings.
The attorney says the governor and his administration is attempting to prevent those fired employees — 27 of them — from obtaining unemployment.
This from Rochlin:
“We’ve come to expect political grandstanding from the Governor and his top aides, but to unfairly intervene in an attempt to keep people from getting unemployment benefits so they can feed their families and pay some of their most pressing bills is reprehensible.
“Governor Malloy and his administration is now attempting to prevent working families from receiving the unemployment benefits they need and deserve. Malloy’s actions have left us with no other option than to use our authorized subpoena powers to compel the Governor and his aides to attend these hearings and explain themselves.” 
State employees, you may recall, were investigated for allegedly defrauding the emergency supplemental food aid program D-SNAP after Tropical Storm Irene. Hundreds were investigated and, in the end, 27 were let go.
Rochlin, the attorney for at least some of those employees argued vociferously that the manner in which the D-SNAP program was administered by the Malloy administration was conducing to error.
According to Rochlin's press release, "Unemployment laws and regulations allow applicants whose unemployment case is being challenged to issue subpoenas to any individual whose testimony will help hearing officers determine if benefits should be granted. Depending on the final hearing schedule. He said he expects subpoenas to go out to Malloy and his aides within the next two days.

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