Thursday, January 19, 2012

On reproductive rights: The reader's perspective

Yesterday, I posted a letter sent by Congressional candidate Chris Donovan on the subject of reproductive rights. I asked what readers thought, and readers responded.
Below, you will find some of those responses, but I have put together an unscientific poll on the subject, and would love for readers to take the poll. If I get a few responses, I'll make the results of this poll available.

Here are some responses I received. The first is from fellow blogger Terry Cowgill, of, who graciously allowed me to use an email in this post.
"As the editor of a CT news site, I have my ears to the ground and I hear very few people complain about how reproductive freedoms are imperiled. It's on the radar screen for Donovan's left-wing base, but not the moderates he needs to win the 5th."

Here's one comment from an unidentified reader
"It's an issue he's addressing. It is far from the only issue. Thanks for the irrational distortion, Jordan."

This is from a comment sent by "Tessa Marquis"
"Women's reproductive rights are not a Democrat/Republican issue. Like all civil and human rights, it is non-partisan. Rather than looking for ways to be divisive, let's look for the common ground on this, and other, issues. PS Chris Donovan is not "pandering" - he is a lifelong supporter of women's reproductive rights and probably sent this email because Sunday is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade."

Here's a comment sent by "Sean Murphy"
"The Democrat Party is made up of an alliance of left leaning special interest groups: pro-abortion feminists, homosexuals, anti-gun confiscators, socialists, certain minority groups,... Any candidate on the Democrat side must pander to each of these groups."
This is from a comment from "Jaclyn"
"Donovan must be reading the tea leaves and hearing the whispers of MANY Democratic party insiders and veterans who are quite worried that his nomination will hand the open 5th district seat to the Republicans."


Blogger Terry Cowgill said...

You "irrational distorter," you!

January 20, 2012 at 9:41 AM 
Blogger Terry Cowgill said...

BTW Tessa writes for CT Free Radicals. They are huge supporters of Donovan and become extremely upset if you even suggest there might be something wrong with him:

January 20, 2012 at 4:53 PM 

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