State GOP chair: A "unified" Republican Party is a "force to be reckoned with"

“It’s never been more important that all elements of our great, broad-based, big tent Republican Party pull together,” he said. “The stakes have never been higher.”
Though Democrats currently dominate the state, holding both positions in the U.S. Senate, all five seats in the U.S. Congress, the governor’s office and both houses of the state legislature, Labriola and other Republicans believe that may change this year.
Polls in the Senate race have put Republican Linda McMahon and Democrat Chris Murphy, both seeking the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Joe Lieberman, on about equal footing — even giving McMahon a slight lead.
Polls in the 5th Congressional District race have been split, a Democratic-paid poll putting Elizabeth Esty up by nine points while a Republican-paid poll has Andrew Roraback ahead by seven. Statistically, that’s a dead heat.
“We need to close ranks as a party behind our nominees,” Labriola said. “We will be unified behind Mitt Romney, Andrew Roraback, Linda McMahon.”
Being courted are the state’s unaffiliated voters, which continue to outnumber Democrats and Republicans statewide. Labriola said there’s a unifying message among Republicans, and it’s one that resonates with those unaffiliated voters, he said.
“What I think binds us together and puts us on common ground with a majority of unaffiliated voters is our strong penchant for fiscal responsibility in government,” he said. “As a unified Republican party we will be a force to be reckoned with.”
Labels: Andrew Roraback, Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Esty, Jerry Labriola, Linda McMahon, Mitt Romney
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